"What beautiful blossoms we have this year. But look, this one's late. I bet when it blooms, it will be the most beautiful of all..."

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sometimes i wonder about the saying... funny things happen to funny people. hmm? I don't think I'm all that funny but this week has been randomly REALLY funny...

Monday: 805am
I decided to eat cereal for breakfast. My cereal is located on top of my refrigerator. I reach up to grab it, put it on the counter top. Then I open my fridge for the milk. I make my cereal. Then I put the cereal and milk away. Only mistake--- I put the cereal box in the fridge instead. When i realized what i did, i ACTUALLY lol'd and said "wtf"

Tuesday: 1107am
We were all waiting for Dana to come for her "surprise" of the mini-cakes. Grace wants to put candles on them but Allan says No, it's such a hassle. He also says that he, himself, can be the candle and that Dana can blow him. 2 seconds later he adds on that he's really hot . . . like a candle! seriously. what a joke!!

Wednesday: 205pm
Me, Betty, and Tiffany are sitting in Geo class. Randomly Betty starts laughing. I ask her, "What's so funny!?" She says: "Because it's so cold in ___(name of place i forgot)____, all the parking meters froze." We all look at each other and randomly start laughing.. it wasn't even that funny...but somehow, it was funny? well. derick in glasses was pretty funny :)

Yeah. I just spent the past 4 hours applying & searching for universities and colleges. Why are applications so expensive?! Plus, filling out all those applications were REALLY annoying, plus, i'm still not done! I have 2 universities and 1 more college to go... Hopefully I'll have a miracle and get accepted asap without complications.

I was reading a book on Tuesday night right before I went to sleep and found a really interesting statement. Let me quote from it.

Sam: "God, I look like shit without makeup.:
Anna: "I don't think so."
Sam: "That was supposed to be sweet, right?"
Anna: "So you think...[I] (was) sucking up to you or something?"
Sam: "Pretty much everyone else does."
Anna: "Why? ...Because your father is __(famous celebrity)__?"
Sam: (sarcasticly) "Aren't you the rock scientist."
Anna: "There are dozens of famous people...Your father is just one more. So I don't see what the big deal is."
Sam: "...My father isn't just A-list. He's A-plus-plus-plus-practically-in-his-own-stratosphere list."
Anna: "And that's what you think is important?"
Sam: "That's what everyone thinks is important."
Anna: "I'll be sure to mention that to the starving children in Africa."

The A-List
Zoey Dean

Holy. Sam made me furious AND opened my eyes. I know this yet i keep neglecting this fact: We are so selfish. People always wants the best of the best, but do they realize what is going on around the world? Yeah, i know it's crazy hard to stay away from brand names and junk food and luxuries we don't actually need when we know that there are poor, sad, starving children in third world countries that have nothing. Some of them may even be enforced into child labor. Child labor?! wtf.. For 7 cents an hour, these children are slaving away making items for us from Nike or whatever. 7 cents an hour. Seriously. What the shit is that? People, get a conscience!!! Don't you feel guilty? Please don't tell me i'm the only one...because from now on. I am not going to EVER buy anything from Nike. (it is the only corporation i know of, for now, that has children working for their PROFITS) shit son. is money REALLY that important when you're actually lowering these people's esteems?

Some things are just so overrated. But I know this: A little change can make a big difference; it takes only one person to start this change which will eventually spread as quickly as a fire. You know what they say, "two heads are better than one."